Succession, Community, Culture
An essay exploring the process of creating culture through place, which is linked to the emergence of communities and their growth in succession.
The Islanders by Idries Shah
A Sufi parable that describes the journey of Self-realization through an allegory of social transformation. Essential reading for anyone wishing to connect with our community’s purpose.
On Ecovillage
This essay describes the process of adaptation that takes place when we learn to live consciously in an ecovillage setting and pursue a regenerative way of life, aligned with natural rhythms.
The Journey to Edenhope
The journey to Edenhope reflects the journey of inner transformation, moving from the known and familiar urban setting into the heart of the unknown wilderness.
Daily Life at Edenhope Nature Preserve
This post explores the state of being at Edenhope, passing through the flow of daily life and yet aligned with the presence of extraordinarily blissful energy.